5 Tips for cycling in the winter

It’s that time of year again when the days are shorter, the temperature is colder, and cyclists are forced indoors. But just because it’s winter doesn’t mean you have to hang up your bike until spring. With a little preparation and the right gear, you can keep cycling all winter long. In this blog post, we will provide some tips on how to cycle in the winter so that you can enjoy your rides all year round.

Dress for the cold

When cycling in the winter, it is important to dress for the cold weather. This means wearing multiple layers of clothing that will keep you warm, while still allowing you to move freely.

A good base layer should be made of a material that wicks away sweat, such as merino wool. On top of this, you'll want to add a few layers of insulation, such as a fleece or down jacket.

Use warm and transpirable socks and a hat or buff to keep your extremities and hears warm. We recoment using Merino Wool. All the good brands are using this fabric and it really helps deal with the cold.

Finally, top it all off with a waterproof and windproof outer layer. This will help you stay dry and comfortable even when the weather is at its worst.

Get a good pair of winter gloves

If you're going to be cycling in the winter, you're going to need to cover your hands properly with a good pair of winter gloves. Here are a few things to look for when choosing a pair of gloves:

1. Make sure they're waterproof. You don't want your hands to get cold and wet while you're riding.

2. Look for gloves with insulation. This will help keep your hands warm even when it's cold outside.

3. Choose a pair that's comfortable. You'll be wearing them for long periods of time, so make sure they're not too tight or too loose.

4. Make sure they have good gripping power. You don't want your hands slipping off the handlebars in the middle of a ride!

Get a good pair of cycling overshoes

Here are a few things to look for when choosing cycling overshoes:

1. Again, make sure they're waterproof. You don't want your shoes getting wet and cold while you're cycling.

2. Look for shoe covers with insulation. This will help keep your feet warm even when it's cold outside.

3. Choose a pair that's comfortable. You'll be wearing them for long periods of time, so make sure they're not too tight or too loose.

Use proper tires

Cycling in winter usually means roads are generally dirtier and potentially more rain. When looking for a good tire you might have to look to make a compromise between rolling resistance, weight, and puncture protection. 

If you live in an area where it snows in the winter but you still want to ride your bike, you'll want to invest in a good set of studded tires. These tires have metal spikes that help grip the road and keep you from sliding around. They're not cheap, but they're worth it if you plan on doing any serious cycling in the winter.

If there is something we don’t go cheap, is with tires. Usually road bikes are under 30mm wide and is crucial to use a good one. Is the only contact point between you and the road.

Take it slow

When it comes to cycling in the winter, it's important to take it slow. This means starting off with shorter rides and gradually increasing your mileage as you get used to the colder temperatures.

Make sure to warm up properly before starting your ride, as this will help you avoid injuries and get your body warm

Finally, it's important to take it easy on the hills and other challenging sections of your route. This is because it's easier to slip and fall when the ground is wet or icy.

So, take your time and be careful out there!


With the right gear, cycling in the winter can be a great way to stay active and enjoy the outdoors. By following this tips, you'll be able to enjoy your ride without freezing on your saddle.


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