Bikepacking weekend Zurich - Schaffhausen - Stein am Rhein - Constance

Backpacking doesn’t always have to involve a complex preparation and traveling far away to a different country or city. Living in Zurich we always wanted to cycle a bit farther and discover new places. Here is the weekend bikebacking route we did to discover the Schaffhausen, Stein-am-rhein and Constance area.

Day 1: Zurich - Schaffhausen - Stein am Rhein - Stammhein

In this area of Switzerland and Germany, the roads area are in excellent condition, and the terrain is not very hilly, which makes it ideal for cyclists of any skill level. The initial part of the route takes you through breathtaking farmlands, fields, vineyards, and the stunning Swiss countryside. Following this serene scenery, you will come across one of the route's highlights - the Rhine river. The route takes you very close to the Rhine Waterfalls, which are truly remarkable and one of the largest waterfalls in Europe. It's highly recommended to make a slight detour to visit them if you've never been.

To take a break, we stopped in Schaffhausen for lunch and dessert at the delightful Kleiner Dicker Junge Boutique Doughnut Store, which serves exceptional donuts.

After refuelling we headed to Stein am Rhein. One of the most beautiful and charming old town in Switzerland. It’s a well-preserved medieval town with stunning architecture and painted facades.

We finished the day at Stammheim where some friend hosted us for the night. If you are not as lucky as we are there are multiple nice hotels in the area. Check the Schloss Freudenfels

Day 2: Stammhein - Constance - Zurich

First think in the morning we cycled around Stammheim and the Stammheimer Schloss, an 18th-century castle that is now used for events and weddings.

We then headed to Constance following the shore of Lake Constance. Constance old town is a charming place, with historic buildings and many places to eat a bite. We were not that lucky with the weather but if you have a good day, there are plenty of places to swim in the lake.

Going back to Zurich the route will take you through some more rolling hills, fields, cows and vineyards which will make the ride back a treat.

There are hundreds of variations to the route, feel free the explore on your own terms. The routes above were the plan but in reality we just go with the flow! Enjoy the road.


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