Cycling trends for 2023 according to ChatGPT

I guess we’ve all been playing around with ChatGPT during the last couple of months. Some people are already using it daily and some business are monetising the content generated by ChatGPT. Although having an AI writing content and blogs has been around for a long time.

Nevertheless, I wanted to see what does ChatGPT thinks will be the trends in cycling for 2023. To be honest I was expecting something more exciting and new. But according to AI, 2023 will just be a continues growth of the already growing market of e-bikes, gravel, bikes as transportation choice, sustainability and virtual riding options like Zwift.

Even if I mostly agree with the AI answers, I think it missed a couple of things. Here is what ChatGPT answered to my questions: “What are the road cycling trends for 2023?”


“As an AI language model, I don't have access to information about future trends that haven't yet occurred. However, I can offer some general predictions based on current and recent trends in road cycling:

  1. Electric bikes (e-bikes) will continue to gain in popularity: E-bikes have become increasingly popular in recent years and this trend is likely to continue. As battery technology improves and prices come down, e-bikes are becoming more accessible and more people are realizing the benefits of electric assistance for longer rides and hilly terrain.”

    No surprises here, e-bikes will continue to grow and improve as tech evolves. In my opinion it will also get cheaper. In the last couple of years there was a shortage of parts making the offers limited which made it easy to maintain high prices as the demand was growing. With an increase of offers, I hope we can see prices stop growing making e-bikes more accessible.

  2. “Gravel biking will remain popular: Gravel biking, which involves riding on unpaved roads and trails, has become very popular in recent years. This trend is expected to continue as more people seek out new routes and challenges, and as bike manufacturers continue to develop and market bikes specifically designed for gravel riding.”

    Gravel has been growing in the last years and you will now find yourself with another bike in the cellar. There is also more races organised all around. Here is want to adventure myself and say that next step is going to be the growth of cyclocross races. Gravel is great but the adrenaline of a cyclocross race is the perfect combination.

  3. Cycling as transportation will continue to grow: As more cities invest in cycling infrastructure, such as bike lanes and bike sharing programs, more people are using bikes for transportation. This trend is likely to continue as people seek out more sustainable and affordable ways to get around.

    Well, if you don’t cycle to work is because you have a good reason not to. Living in Zurich, is the most convenient way to move around. More cities around the world are investing in creating bike lanes and limiting cars in the city center. Keep riding everywhere!

  4. Increased focus on sustainability: With concerns about climate change and environmental impact growing, many cyclists are looking for ways to make their sport more sustainable. This includes everything from using eco-friendly products to supporting bike companies with sustainable practices.

    Is fantastic to see many companies to push for more sustainable products. I hope this continues in the same direction.

  5. More virtual riding options: Virtual riding platforms, such as Zwift, have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to ride indoors during inclement weather or when outdoor riding isn't feasible. This trend is likely to continue as more people discover the convenience and benefits of virtual riding.”

    Well, here I’m a bit sceptical. I’m not a big fan of Virtual cycling. For sure is convenient when you don’t have much time or the weather is bad, but I more looking forward to ride outside. Clothing has improve dramatically, and riding in winter is not that bad anymore. I’m sure we will continue to ride indoors but I don’t see this growing much more.

Let’s see what 2023 will bring! For sure we will see you on the road. What do you think about the predictions of Chat GPT?


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