Road cycling Route: Soller - Sa Calobra

Exploring Mallorca on two wheels is a dream come true. Among the many spectacular routes this Mediterranean Island has to offer, the route to Sa Calobra stands out as a true gem. This is definitely one of the most challenging and nice routes I’ve done. Not a single piece of flat terrain but with worth every km of it.

We started in Soller, a lovely little town in the Serra de Tramuntana. Soon after leaving Soller behind, you'll reach one of the nicest villages in Spain: Fornalutx. The plaza has some nice bar terraces, filled with cyclists enjoying a coffee before or after their ride. It's not a bad idea to replenish your energy before the first climb of the day, which takes you to the Tunel de Monnàber (Puig Major). Spanning almost 14 kilometers with an average gradient of 6% and an uphill gain of almost 800 meters.

We started early in the morning, cycling in the cool shadows. However, once we crossed the tunnel, the sun began to warm us up nicely while enjoying a pleasant descent, allowing our legs to rest for a while before a brief climb last climb before reaching —the pinnacle of our journey: Sa Calobra road.

Sa Calobra was truly breathtaking as we descended into the rocky gorge, navigating hairpin bends and sheer drops. The beauty of the scenery was nothing short of captivating, with every turn revealing a new vista to behold. The invigorating sea breeze filled the air, adding an extra element of freshness to our cycling day.

At the bottom, is time for a well-deserved break, refreshing ourselves in front of the turquoise sea.

But as with many dead-end roads, what goes down must eventually go up. The ascent back to the top of Sa Calobra will push your limits. However, the views will make it a little easier, and once you cross the Tunel de Monnàber again, it's time for a very fast and fun descent. The road is wide, well-paved, and has the perfect decline for a rapid and enjoyable descent back to Soller.

It doesn’t matter where are you staying in the Island, Sa Calobra is a must!


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