Cycling Furka Pass

The Furkapass is the fourth highest paved mountain pass in Switzerland, and one of the most famous ones. Going up to 2429m, this iconic pass was featured in the James Bond film Goldfinger 50 years ago and attracts cyclist, bikers and drivers from all over the world.

The road is open to all vehicles and is very popular on the weekends which make it one of the busiest passes. If you can avoid the weekend you will have a more relaxed experience.

There are many versions, loops and starting points. We decided to start in Andermatt and do both sides of the Furka pass. Is a 62km with a solid 1800m ascent. If you prefer long flat rides, definitely avoid this one :) .

The first kilometres until Realp are a good warm up with a gently almost flat section. Once you reach Realp the Furka road kicks off, a sign will announce the 900m ascent and 12km until the top that are in front of you.

The road is very well paved and the scenery is absolutely amazing. In the heart of the Swiss Alps and cycling most of the route above 2000m is combination of great physical challenge and captivating landscape.

Before you reach the top you will pass the Restaurant Furkablick, make sure you stop for a piece of cake and coffee either on the way up or the way back (or if you are like us, both ways).

Just a couple of kilometres after starting the descent you will pass one of the highlights of the route: The Belvédère Hotel. Probably the most famous pass hotel in the world which has attracted thousands of tourist every year. Nevertheless, it is in danger of remaining closed forever.

This side of the pass the road is wider and with a better tarmac but as busy and beautiful. Another highlight of the route is the Rhône Glacier.

The ascent from Gletsch back to the Furka pass is a little bit easier with around 700m ascent and 10km long. That’s why we preferred starting from Andermatt.

Technical details:

- 1800m
🚴 - 62 km
📍 GPX file

Grosse Scheidegg


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