Road cycling from Barcelona to Montserrat

This is a nice and challenging road cycling route to discover one of the most stunning places around Barcelona: the Mountain of Montserrat. Along the way you’ll go through the stunning Collserola and some charming towns around Barcelona.

With over +2200m of ascent and 120km, this route is for fit riders.

Starting in Sarria, a charming neighbourhood of Barcelona, the ride takes you up towards the park of Collserola, which is the largest metropolitan park in the world. The road offers amazing view of the city and will get you until Molins de Rey.

From there, we go towards Olessa de Montserrat and the Monistrol de Montserrat, where you'll tackle the climb up to the Monestir of Montserrat, a 1000-year-old monastery located in the middle of this magical mountain. Legend has it that the monastery was founded after a shepherd boy discovered a statue of the Virgin Mary in a cave on the mountain.

As you make your way back down towards Vacarises, you'll pass through picturesque villages and lush forests, with the stunning mountain backdrop always in view.

Finally, the ride concludes with a second ascent to Collserola, where you'll enjoy a final stunning view of Barcelona skyline and the Mediterranean Sea in the distance.


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